Sunday, November 1, 2009

Grrrravy & Pumpkin Bread review

I posted a recipe for pumpkin bread without trying it. Last night, I made Alton Brown's pumpkin bread recipe (without the seeds). I did add a little more cinnamon, & I pureed my fresh pumpkin innards for it.

"That one!"

It was GREAT! Super moist, delicious flavor. The man gave it rave reviews. He said it's a 4 or 4.5 out of 5 star recipe. The only thing keeping it from being a 5/5 is that it fell apart due to its moistness. SCORE!

We hope you had a happy Halloween!


In my chicken pot pie recipe, I mentioned gravy as one of the ingredients. My sister (who also posts here) requested that I write out how I make my gravy. So, here it is.

I feel like there are two schools of thought with making gravy. One way is to make a roux. The other is to add a thickener to fluids. I've made them both, but making a roux with gluten-free flour hasn't worked well for me.

To make a roux with regular all-purpose flour, you use 1 part melted fat to 2 parts flour. For example, I used to use one tablespoon butter melted & then whisk in 2 tablespoons flour. Let it cook while you whisk it. It's done when the roux turns a light brown (i.e. when the flour is cooked). Then, you'll add your stock/broth/fluid & boil it down.

The way that I made my gravy for the chicken pot pie (the gluten-free way):
I was reducing some chicken stock - maybe about 4 cups - on the stove. To it, I added a tablespoon or two of potato starch. (You could use corn starch too.) I whisked it until it wasn't lumpy anymore. If it wasn't thick enough after that, I added a smidgen more potato starch. Cook it until the starch is cooked. Then, I tasted it, added salt, pepper, tarragon, & anything else that I thought it needed.

That's it! I know it's not precise, but it was a "shoot from the hip" sort of recipe. If you guys want, just comment or email me & I'll make it more specific.

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